Delivery Manager with appropriate technical background


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We conducted audit of Account A which showed that customer facing roles didn’t have enough technical background to be able to speak to the customer on the same language. This fact was also preventing from doing right assessments of proposed solutions and considering relationships between different parts of infrastructure. In addition, audit showed that Contract Managers were loaded with questions related to contract/finance management and couldn’t control operational questions on the needed level.

Identified issues:
  • Lack of understanding of technical solutions by Contract Managers
  • Escalations from the customer related to lack of ownership of critical issues
  • Changes are being implemented with impact to the business due to lack of proper assesment


We added Delivery Manager with appropriate technical background. Delivery Manager created and agreed RASCI matrix securing split of responsibility for Delivery Managers and Contract Managers. Delivery Manager was presented to the customer and started chairing operational meetings.


  • Delivery Manager started assessments of proposed complex tech solutions. He was highlighting and fixing possible issues before discussing with the customer
  • Operational questions in customer’s attention started to be properly coordinated
  • Relationships between CIs are being taken into consideration during complex changes. Escalations stopped

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